Success Stories: Luxenter
Luxenter has been in the jewelry sector for more than 40 years and since 2012 has also been making its way in the online world to sell their collections and creative designs, for which they are constantly looking for trends.
Despite all its experience, Luxenter, like any fashion company, encounters a handicap when selling online: customers cannot try on products before buying them. “Our challenge is to dispel all hesitation that may arise for the customer when looking at an item,” says Jaime Balmori, from the company’s online customer service department.
“The issues are generally about size, weight, materials, color and, above all, whether it will fit. You have to create a good description of the product and make it as detailed as possible, add a variety of photographs that allow you to see the piece from different perspectives and, most importantly, images of a model with the jewelry on”.
By using Oct8ne as a customer service tool, they can improve their purchasing momentum by displaying all the photos and videos they need while talking to the customer, thereby combating this drawback.
Luxenter increases CRO up to 18% by showing products with Oct8ne
“The coviewer is an innovative tool that offers a user experience that goes far beyond any basic livechat. The main comfort is that the customer gets a more intimate experience, which in itself generates a boost of confidence.
The customer not only sees what he wants to buy more clearly, he can also ask the agents for advice if he has questions. Furthermore, many customers are not yet accustomed to receiving this type of treatment online, so we can play with the opportunity to surprise them and trigger positive feelings.”
These positive feelings that their customers experience have translated into a high impact on sales: when showing products to customers using the coviewer, conversion increases up to 18% in the session they were attended in.
“A customer expects to be able to assess a product online at almost the same level of detail as in a physical store. With complete certainty, the greatest obstacle of all is not having good photographs; especially of how the item looks on. If product data is missing, the customer loses faith in what they’re seeing.”
Other positive figures are return visitors and visitors attended: 15% of users return to the page and end up buying later if they did not finish the purchase during the first session and 70% of sessions with customers were started thanks to the impact of the triggers.
“The relationship with customers should focus on their satisfaction: meet their needs effectively and in the shortest time possible. For customer satisfaction to be complete, the shopping experience must be complete.”
Our purchasing process, the intimate and personalized attention we offer with Oct8ne, delivery time and the product and packaging experience are part of a journey where, if something goes wrong, the customer will not get to where we want them: loyalty”
When asked where the future of customer service and the online user experience is headed, Luxenter makes it very clear: loyalty 2.0. “The customer is better informed and becomes more demanding, they want everything faster and more within reach than ever. At all times, we need to know what customers need and be able to foresee it.”
“The foundations of customer service can’t change: we must listen to, take care of, empathize with, be efficient with, and value buyers. Soon, customer service and UX will outperform price and product as the main factors differentiating the brand. Guaranteeing a positive experience will be the key. “
“Companies have to undergo a thorough internal transformation and need to make sure their customers grasp that the business model is focused on them.” Do you want to start this journey with your business?
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