Success Story: Farma2Go multiplies its customer service capacity with Oct8ne’s integrated AI chatbot

Duplicated messages and late responses: dissatisfied customers

The online pharmacy decided to implement Oct8ne for the same need that most online stores have: improving interaction with their customers,  optimizing their small business’s resources, offering immediacy and increasing customer satisfaction . Farma2go was receiving a lot of help requests through different channels, having a small team, they were not able to give immediate answers, so customers were contacting multiple times for the same question through different channels such as email and WhatsApp. The result was duplicated help requests and frustrated customers.

What comes next, Jorge Pelaez, Founder and CEO of Farma2Go sums it up in one simple sentence: “Our goal was to design a chatbot so good and so reliable that you couldn’t tell if it was a person or a chatbot”.

Farma2Go starts offering immediate and visual assistance to its customers with Oct8ne AI Chatbot

In order to answer all questions instantly and improve their customer service, they first implemented the chatbot, filtering out frequent queries and referring only the most complex questions to a human agent.

Thanks to the chat’s visual support, they could help users find products easily by identifying them by their box or color, for example, facilitating customer purchase process and increasing sales.

Ultra-personalized user experience

Farma2Go‘s robot was designed to respond just as a pharmacist would in a physical store. For this purpose, a specialized team has carefully developed the product sheets, detailing: the composition, benefits, indications, and precautions for each item in the store. 

By implementing this technology in the e-shop, users can get instant information about what they are looking for, and, if they still have doubts, they can always chat with a human agent.

Farma2Go integrates AI into its robot

We understood that being able to establish a fluid conversation with a chatbot gave a point of warmth and a point of knowledge to the customer that we didn’t have before through WhatsApp,” says Jorge, taking into account that after the integration of AI, potential customers began to receive such personalized attention that it can be equated with that of a human.

Just open the chat and select one of the two main options: “I want to find a product” or “I need help with a product”. Then, a fluid conversation will start with the artificial intelligence, in charge of providing detailed information about products, purchasing processes, or any other topic related to Farma2Go.

In addition, this technology has enabled the pharmacy to optimize the resources of the customer service department so that they can take care of other functions. According to Jorge, “The tasks of the customer service people used to be more executors, and now they are more coordinators to make sure that everything is working well in the different channels”.

Currently on the web there are two forms of contact: the chatbot with integrated AI and WhatsApp, but Jorge explains that “whatsApp it is set up so that it is much easier to access the chatbot to communicate with us because it is much easier when a query comes in through that channel.” Summarizing, he adds “We currently have 90% of the help request attended by the chatbot attention versus 10% on WhatsApp.”

A proactive pharmacy that reaches out to its customers when they need it

“With Oct8ne I feel that for the first time, we are proactive towards customers,” says Jorge, to explain the opportunity to impact their users at key moments of the purchase process through the use of triggers.

For example, on Farma2Go’s site, they have set up a pop up to communicate with their customers if they see that they have been idle too long on a product page. With these actions, customized depending on the screen users are on, it is possible to offer information at the right time to improve the purchasing process.

If you want to multiply the capacity of your customer service and increase your sales, schedule a call with us and we will advise you!

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