How to integrate Oct8ne with Analytics to understand your customers
Let’s see how (and why) to integrate Oct8ne with Analytics. If you’re not using this option yet, you’re not taking full advantage of the tool’s potential at the strategic level, in terms of the analytical possibilities provided by the livechat.
How to integrate Oct8ne and Analytics
It’s so simple there’s almost no need to explain it. Simply access the Oct8ne control panel, go to the settings menu and, once there, go to the integrations option.
There’s only one more step: give the tool the corresponding permission giving you access to the Analytics account in question. That’s it. Done! I don’t think it even took five minutes, keeping in mind you made some coffee at the same time.
What do I get out of it?
Actually, andI’m sure you’ll agree with me, adding an analytical layer to customer service is a source of invaluable insights. Oct8ne gives you its statistics, which are already pretty complete on their own; Google Analytics offers an overview of the site. The combination of both will help you understand your customers and visitors much better.
Sometimes it’s easy to focus onthe “what” and forget about the “why”. Having a lot of data isn’t synonymous with knowledge, if you prod me, I’ll tell you that a lot of information can become a hassle that doesn’t let you to draw qualitative conclusions. You focus on the number and not so much on what has led customers to make those actions, in that specific manner, or that many times.
On the other hand, and closely related to the above paragraph, a correct, practical analysis of customer motives and hesitations will be useful in detecting usepatterns, situations to optimize in your e-commerce and, last but not least, it will provide you with a much deeper knowledge of your customer. For example, thanks to this data you can create people and archetypes much more accurately than by only using personal interviews.
What can I measure on Oct8ne with Google Analytics?
We’re going to put everything we talked about so far into practice. When we implement it, we only have to choose the most relevant aspects from a list of options we think cover the main needs of anyone who manages an e-commerce:
— Visitor who opens the livechat
The first and most basic aspect. To know how effective any tool is, we need to be able to see it in the site’s global use context and know what the ratio of users and sessions that use the live chat is over the total.
— Visitor attended to by agent
Each time a visitor has an interaction with one of our agents, it’ll be registered. This way, we can partially evaluate how the service is being provided.
— Visitor opens the contact form
As you may know, when agents aren’t available, visitors are sent a contact form. Well, thanks to this metric, we can see how much this happens. We’re great when it comes to measuring our resources.
— Visitor chooses department
The visitor is offered a list of the main departments. If we know which ones represent the customer best, we can transfer that to our strategy at all levels.
The first thing is that we might have to work on the pages corresponding to these categories and make them clearer in terms of what they offer or how they offer it. We’ll also know what matters most to those who visit us.
— Add to cart
This is one of the most critical points of e-commerce right? Because integrating Oct8ne with Analytics allows you to accurately track what’s put in the cart. Important: I am always referring to the cart that’s integrated in the livechat itself, within the coviewer.
— Product shown
Since we’re talking about the coviewer, this is also an interesting metric. We can see how many times a product has been sent through the chat to be shared through the coviewer (either by the agent or the customer)
— Positive and negative ratings
You already know how important it is to know the customers’ feelings. User ratings are the first step in knowing what works best and what we should improve, so these two metrics are essential. Activate both positive and negative ratings to optimize your resources and help agents improve.
— Returning visitors
At Oct8ne, as for anyone engaged in e-commerce, we could almost say that we’re obsessed with recurrence. When capturing customers is increasingly difficult and more expensive, having them return to a store by themselves guarantees a new business opportunity, or at least continues to strengthen our brand in the visitor’s eyes.
Thanks to the combined use of Analytics and Oct8ne, we cansee how many of those users,even those who just used the livechat once, have returned to visit your store.
Everything we’ve discussed is treated as events that you can track through the Google Analytics tool and, subsequently, combine the event report with transactions through personalized reports.
Well, we’ve already explained how and why to connect Oct8ne with Analytics. Are you interested? Do you have any questions? Ask us and we’ll be happy to answer them!