Oct8ne keep getting better with new functionalities
We have new developments to make the user experience even fullerfor all customers and make your agents’ work easier. In this update, Oct8ne incorporates two integrations and a new feature into the chat.
Simultaneous translator
Whether your customers visit your webpage from several countries or not, it’s normal that your agents occasionally interact with a user in a foreign language they might not be fluent in. Therefore, from now on, Oct8ne will detect what language the user has written in the chat so the agent can read and automatically translate the conversation into any of the languages available on Google Translate. Furthermore, for multi-lingual agents, there’s an option that allows you to activate the translator and edit the message to ensure that it’s correct before you send it.
Advanced search in the catalog
Agents can find products faster and easier thanks to the new search filters. Now, not only can you search a product by name, you can also filter the search by category, price, color and manufacturer.
WooCommerce Plugin
Until now, Oct8ne only had an installation plugin for Magento and PrestaShop e-commerce. But, if you created your website on the WordPress platform, you can activate Oct8ne and integrate it with your catalog by installing the WooCommerce plugin.
Vtex integration
In the same sense, if you work with Vtex, you will also be able to integrate Oct8ne onto your web page without a problem, you just need to contact us and have our tech team set you up.
Full integration with the Reskyt menu
As you know, Oct8ne and Reskyt started working together to give omnichannel support and to integrate with the app world. With this new improvement, Oct8ne will show up as another option on your website’s menu.
If you have any questions about how these options work, you can email us at contact@oct8ne.com, message us in the chat, or call us and we will answer your questionsstraight away.